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摘 要

In the current era, the network can bring abundant information to people. Through the network, people can provide all kinds of information they need, thus speeding up the transmission of information and effectively improving the convenience of people’s life. With the continuous improvement of network bandwidth, it only takes a few seconds for information to be widely disseminated from the source. The hot search to the major websites proves the speed of event fermentation and information dissemination. At present, such rapid spread of network information has brought a lot of negative effects. Nowadays, in the network, not only some information of people’s daily life is transmitted, but also the information content designed for national politics, military and important economy is transmitted on the network. As a development platform, the network has a lot of illegal elements and hackers who steal information by means of network destroy, so as to obtain personal benefits. This situation makes the network unsafe. In the important network information dissemination, the network is not safe. Information that is not delivered via an information encryption lock is vulnerable to attack.

In this context, digital cryptography, image hiding technology and so on have gradually formed very mature applications in information encryption, providing effective digital encryption for information transmission can better form the information hiding function realization. This time, we use image information hiding technology to create a software which can realize image hiding by Python technology, so as to realize the application of cryptography in computer. This software development can provide a mature function for the current information security and provide effective help for information security.

Key words: information hiding; LSB; Python; MySQL

目 录

摘 要 1
A B S T R A C T 2
第1章 绪论 4
1.1 研究背景与意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状和发展趋势 5
1.3 本论文主要工作及组织结构 5
1.3.1 论文主要研究工作 5
1.3.2 论文的组织结构 5
第2章 图像隐写及隐写分析综述 7
2.1 系统模型构成 7
2.1.1 早期信息隐藏模型:囚犯问题 7
2.1.2 隐写技术的分类 7
2.2系统开发工具介绍 8
2.2.1 python技术 8
2.2.2MySQL数据库 8
2.2.3LSB算法 8
2.2.4B/S结构 9
第3章 隐藏信息算法的实践分析 10
3.1 数字隐藏的特性 10
3.2 密写系统需求 10
3.3 系统搭建过程 11
3.4 图片隐藏过程成果展示 11
3.4.1网站登录及注册模块的展示 11
3.4.2网站首页的实现 12
3.4.3新增图像隐藏的实现 13
3.4.4图片管理的实现 14
第4章 总结与展望 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18

